Traditional values and cultures are relevant all over the world. One of the greatest of these is family values.
Traditional values and cultures are relevant all over the world. One of the greatest of these is family values and the essential early bond of loving affection which is paramount and essential for the proper and natural development of the child’s Neuro System to take place. Science tells us that the parent/child relationship is the most powerful influence on children’s early brain development, particularly in the first two years. Regular consistent play provides rich stimulation that is absorbed into core brain development. Ideal home life provides, stability, acceptance, safety, etc and ABOVE ALL a LOVING and caring environment which is permanent throughout Life.
“Obligation sends the children to bed on time, but LOVE tucks the covers around their necks and passes out kisses and hugs.”
Richard Bach:
“The bond that links you to true Family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s lives.”
Johann Pestalozzi:
“In its purity this life (in the home circle) is the highest, the most exalted that can be thought or dreamed of for the education of our race. It is unconditionally true: where love and the ability to love are found in the home circle there one can confidently predict that the education it affords almost never fails.”
Mihali Csikszentmihalyi – Hungarian-American psychologist. Harvard Professor:
“Creativity occurs from a playful, naïve place where there is no worry about failure, no self-consciousness and no sense of time.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt:
“We cannot always build a future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”