Voices from the past, as well as the present, whose wisdom and enlightened vision throw a powerful light on the true and profound meaning of the word “Innocence”:
The I Ching – late 9th century BC. Written in Old Chinese – Emperor Fu Xi was the legendary first author. Wilhelm von Liebniz (17th century philosopher and mathematician) discovered the model for a new, purer arithmetic than our common decimal system, in the five-millennia-old-book the IChing. The arithmetic Liebniz discovered and described was binary code, which is used today in almost every modern computer, from iPhones to China’s own Tihane-2 supercomputer:
“Man has received from Heaven a nature innately good, to guide him in all his movements. By devotion to the Divine Spirit within himself, he attains an unsullied Innocence that leads him to do right with instinctive sureness and without any ulterior thought of reward and personal advantage.”
Confucius – 551BC – 479BC: Chinese Philosopher, teacher, political leader “Father of the Eastern style of Thought”
“He who departs from Innocence, what does he come to? Heaven’s will and blessings do not go with his deeds.”
Jesus Christ:
“Suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:
“Innocence is a Quality which is innate within a Human Being. Which cannot be forced! Which cannot be taught! Which gives you Self Esteem and Joy, Moral Strength and Moral Understanding. We have to learn a lot from Children because they are Innocent. Because they have the quality of Innocence, they are to be respected and must be Protected.
A person is magnetic because he has a certain magic. This magic comes from our own personality. Your Innocence is the best way to have that magnetism. It is not material but is something abstract. Innocence is the basis of Wisdom. Innocence is the way you give fun to others. Fun is a treasure. Anything that is full of fun you remember all your life. As children we are Innocent. Children do not understand material things. They understand Love.”